The school is named after the immortal St. Francis of Assisi. According to a survey, he is the greatest man born during the second millennium. Men and women, regardless of creed or nationality, have acclaimed him as the World’s most influential social religious reformer. St. Francis was born in Assisi, Italy, in 1182 as the son of Peter Bernardone and Picca. He received his primary education at the local St. George’s Church. At the age of fourteen he joined his father’s business as a merchant. At seventeen he was drawn into a civil war in the city. When he was twenty years old, Assisi was defeated in a war with Perugia and Francis was imprisoned. When released, Francis returned home in broken health. At the age of twenty three, he set off again to join the army. But on the way he fell ill. During his recovery he had a mysterious dream which changed his life completely. Upon his return to Assisi, Francis was no more interested in fame, power or wealth. Moved by God’s grace, he opted for a life of poverty.