The Franciscan vision of education is spread the love of God in the heart of all
people, in spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, by imparting the values of human dignity, brotherhood, equality,
justice and love of nature.
"For God and Country" is the motto of Mount Assisi School, Our constant endeavour is to ingrain the
of " Service before self and to inculcate the importance of duty to fellow beings before expecting their
rights. The Franciscan Society aims at the integral development of the whole person, enlightened leadership,
social responsibility and commitment to nation building. Over the years, it has built its own image, culture
and ethos. It has excelled in the field of education and has striven to produce dynamic and socially useful
citizen for our country respecting all castes, creeds and religions and above all upholding the core value
of human dignity in the name of "God and Country".
In our school we take pride in the following traditions: We expect our students: